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  • Parenting and the Law of Attraction By Christina Fletcher- Oh, we've all been there. Those days when nothing seems to go right: our children can’t find their shoes, we run late, get stuck in traffic and then, of course, a diaper needs changing....

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • Connecting To Who Our Children REALLY Are By Christina Fletcher-We are happy to share with you a beautiful guest article by Christina Fletcher. Christina truly writes from a conscious parenting perspective. Enjoy! We are all spiritual beings.

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • The 5 Rules of Thought-MARY T. BROWNE is an internationally renowned psychic. For over twenty-five years she has used her psychic gift to counsel thousands of men and women. She has dedicated her life to teaching people how to uncover life's hidden mysteries, as well as helping them achieve their desired goals.

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • The Secret Spiritual World of Children - Based on more than five years of interviews, this book combines startling firsthand accounts of secret spiritual lives, including recollections from adults who have forgotten or repressed such experiences in childhood.

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • Crazy Sexy Kitchen: 150 Plant-Empowered Recipes to Ignite a Mouthwatering Revolution

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • I use to be very judgmental, at least quietly in my head. Are you finding a shift in your attitudes towards those around you?

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • Explore life beyond death - video | Transformation Energetics

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • Law of Attraction and Energy-Join Jewels and Author and Energy Pioneer Elaine Seiler about the powerful energy that is no transforming us. Elaine wrote the brilliant book: Multi-Dimensional You - Exploring Energetic Evolution.

    Pinned: 5 Nov 2012
  • Looking at my frustrated traveling experience from a multi-dimensional perspective | Transformation Energetics

    Pinned: 23 Oct 2012
  • Sunlight Meditation-Available instantly for your Android device $2.99 This sunlight meditation guides you through a series of breathing practices. If you practice this meditation every day for 15 minutes over a period of several weeks, you will begin to experience its many beneficial effects both in body and mind.

    Pinned: 23 Oct 2012