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Author Topic: Are you finding In the blended state the body doesn’t respond to physical remedies as it once did ?
Posts: 3
Post Are you finding In the blended state the body doesn’t respond to physical remedies as it once did ?
on: February 23, 2012, 15:35

In the blended state of the energetic evolution:pain,fatigue or muscular aches may be experienced many more hours after exertion than usual.

We are going through many changes energetically right now.
Are you noticing the effects and what do you do to nourish and take care of yourself during this great time of change?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Are you finding In the blended state the body doesn’t respond to physical remedies as it once did ?
on: February 25, 2012, 00:43

I take a lot of what some people call super foods. I find in general that my body recovers quicker than it used to, perhaps because of this.

Please explain what a "blended state" is.

Perhaps it would be good to have a glossary of terms here on the site somewhere?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Are you finding In the blended state the body doesn’t respond to physical remedies as it once did ?
on: March 1, 2012, 16:41

Dear Sam_light
Thanks for asking for a definition of The Blended State. I sometimes forget that not everyone has read my book, Multi-Dimensional You in which I define these terms. By the way, the glossary that you requested is in the back of the Book and also at the back of the companion workbook, Your Multi-Dimenensional Workbook. However, in the future, I will define any unusual terms I for the discussions on the forum.
As we move along the energetic evolutionary path, I believe we go through three distinct phases -
1-Awakening. In this state, you become aware of and begin to accept the reality of the subtle, invisible realms beyond the physical third dimension; You might experience more synchronicities and coincidences that before),
2-The Bridge State, in which the individual has one foot in the third dimension or physicality and one in the realms beyond which are comprised solely of energy waves. In this state, you part of the time, as you always did before you become more conscious. You shift back and forth between the two states of being.
3-The Blended State, which is an energetic state that combines the characteristics of both the physical and the energetic realities. In this state, you retain your physical body, but are focused on and live primarily in a blend of the two states. In this reality, you are able to utilize a wider range of energetic frequencies than are available in the third dimension or the bridge state. The blended state is the state into which one moves on the evolutionary path after the bridge state. (One of the things I experience in this state is 'hearing the vibrations' around me.....this can be very distracting......)

As for your comment that you 'recover more quickly than it use to' . It is possible that the superfoods are providing more frequencies in your body than you would have without them and that would in turn give you the ability to recover your strength after exercise faster than without them. Is that what you mean by 'recover'? I have no experience with superfoods, so I don't know their effect.

I hope that helps. Please let me know if anything is not clear.

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