Great tips posted daily to increase your visibility ONLINE. I want to help YOU reach higher ground - just go LIKE my page and make sure you see it in your newsfeed daily! Woohoo! Excited to SERVE YOU... (-_-)
Pinned: 27 Mar 2013
Feature: Mind, Body, Soul. Interview With Author Elaine Seiler. Humanity is undergoing a new phase of evolution as significant as when humankind emerged from the primordial ooze and walked on land. Elaine Seiler is at the forefront of explaining this "energetic evolution." Elaine Seiler chatted with me about her personal experience and discovery of transformation energetics.
Pinned: 26 Mar 2013
Feeling Funny Lately? An Energetic Answer.
Pinned: 26 Mar 2013
Dews on the Ladybug & Flower
Pinned: 25 Mar 2013
Bunny Butt Pancakes...easy and so cute!
Pinned: 25 Mar 2013
Life Size Boxer 36.5L $399.00
Pinned: 25 Mar 2013
We are Living in Dynamic Times, when Humanity is Waking Up to Implications of a Greater Transformation and the Reality that We Are a Part of a Much Greater Consciousness. Our Human Nature is Non-Local and Multidimensional, Having Vast Capabilities and Endowments of a Divine Birthright Coded Within Us that Reveals how We Are Universal Beings Working Within a Higher Evolutionary Plan. ~ Keys Of Enoch ~
Pinned: 19 Mar 2013
Do we want to change the world? Or does the world want US to change? Lynn Serafinn tells the story of the 7 Graces Project, and discusses how social change moves in a spiral motion propelled by something far greater than our original idea.