‘MONEY & LIFE ‘ officially launched out into the world on May 1st!! An extraordinary film by Katie Teague, received a standing ovation at its sneak preview in Santa Fe. Check out the trailer below; it is very intriguing. I look forward to seeing it. Yes, it fits into my focus on ‘energy’, as the entire ‘energy’ around money has become distorted. We would be well-served to ‘see’ ‘money’ with new eyes, as provided by this film and catalyzed to create a new and more harmonious balance. How do we achieve such a huge goal? Well, maybe we start by going to the movies, buying the DVD and setting up a community showing or just attending one……See you at the theater……..
Watch it right here!
a good documentary on the wonderful & fun opportunity to re-think money so that it is more equitable & closely connected to the finite naure of earth & our real worth as natural beings. It has wonderful syncronicities with a book I am reading at the moment called ‘the spirit level’ by wilkinson & pickett looking at how an equatable world creates positive solutions for a happier future.