Children Born With Advanced DNA This is an incredible story of children being born with advanced DNA. Many of today’s parents are awake enough to be witnessing miracles in their children and then exposing them to information to help prevent suppression and/or the depression that is inflicted on many of these beautiful beings due to lack of understanding.
Children of the New Dream Diane: So Drunvalo…who are these “Children of the New Dream” that you are so excited about? Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the “Super Psychic Children of China.” The second are called the “Indigo Children” and the third are called the “Children of AIDS.” Diane: Is this new codon activation found only in newborn children? Drunvalo: Well, it’s mostly children, but now they are finding adults with it too–just like the hundredth monkey theory. Now all kinds of people are being affected by it and its spreading fast. Diane: Have you met any of these people? Are they accessible? Drunvalo: Well, I’ve known about this for over two years and I have personally followed this path and I think I’ve moved into what they are doing. I have gone into the merkabah and asked my subconscious mind to change my codons in the same way and ever since I began to do this over two years ago, I haven’t been able to get sick. I don’t know if I’ve been able to change them or not. I guess the only way I’d know is with a DNA test. However, Iv’e been exposed to all kinds of things and when someone gets sick I purposely get close to them and try to get it. I’ve been trying to get sick — and I can’t feel something come on — it will last maybe an hour and then it’s gone. What is interesting is that hardly any of this new DNA is found in the Super Psychic Children of China — almost zero. It is, however, being found in Russia and the U.S. There seems to be pockets of it and if what we are thinking is right — it has to do with a very specific response which is where most people in the New Age are headed for. Diane: Do you think these people are creating the DNA changes Drunvalo: I think someone has made the path — one child did it Diane: Well, you are the only one I’ve ever heard speak about this. Drunvalo: Well, I’ve been tracking this for about 2 years and I’ve waited to say anything because I wanted to make sure it was real. In the book called “The Indigo Children” there has been extensive research on these children. There are websites you can go to if you’re a parent where they begin to interview you about exactly what’s going on with your child. Like I said earlier, these kids know exactly what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking . You can’t hide anything from them. It’s really amazing! I see it as a phenomenon like the ETs except they aren’t coming here in spaceship form–they are coming here in spirit form making it personal by coming into the earth’s evolutionary cycle and joining with us. I’ve often thought that when spirits come in on the right side of the planet–Japan, China, and Tibet for instance, the incarnating being takes on the psychic characteristics (of those people), and if they come in on the western side–the logical side (i.e., physical characteristics)–then the DNA comes in changed. But that’s just speculation on my part. I’m just looking at this and trying to understand what is occurring. At the workshops I’m going to do, I’m going to bring everything I’ve learned together and teach people to actually access this and make the change. I think I know–or I’m very close. Diane: And that has to do with putting yourself in a certain state of consciousness? Drunvalo: Yes, a very specific state of consciousness produces a change in your DNA–and I think it’s just the beginning of much more than that. The fact that it could be the end of disease is just a tiny bit of the total picture. Diane: How would this particular kind of work and discovery affect the DNA activation work that seems to be popping up all over? Drunvalo: Well, if you know your light body and you know how psychic energy works and if you understand the connection of the subconscious to all life on this planet, then you can go in and ask your subconscious. “Your subconscious knows exactly which codons those kids have changed and if you ask for those things to happen through your light body and in the presence of God,” it should occur. “[/b]It also requires dropping polarity–no longer thinking in terms of good or bad but seeing the wholeness and completion and perfection of life.” Diane: So, if that’s the case, then what significance does that have on our lives today? Drunvalo: I believe that all of us have the choice to follow this particular pattern that the children have set up or not. It is said that “the children will lead the way.” If we wish to and we trust these children, as I do, one of the side effects is the immunity to disease. Diane: There are a lot of us who are choosing immortality. However, some people would say that to be immune to disease is also to upset the life/death cycle which has supposedly helped to keep the planet in balance. How would you answer that? Drunvalo: Well, I just don’t judge it. This is happening and if it is going to upset the cycle and it probably will in some way–everything that is occurring in life has a reason and purpose for it. Perhaps these people who don’t get sick anymoreerhaps they won’t even die anymore and maybe their consciousness is so aligned with the original purpose of earth that ultimately it would mean an earth that is whole and complete and not one that is polluted and deadly and overtaxed. We could easily live with 6 billion people or 20 billion…if…we live differently. Diane: That’s exciting! Drunvalo: Yes, it is. I just let the earth prompt me where to go. Of course, it is important to know our light bodies and how to use them, but the children are very carefully saying–come this way–and see where this leads. — withTara Catrionna Magill Hansen, Elizabeth Dela Cruz, Skipo Jack, Rudy Sultan,Dela Cruz Jairah, Jocelyn Tomo Dela Cruz, Cruz Dela Cruz Osorio, Ace Dela Cruz, Franz Cuñado, Egres Cruz, Jose Dela Cruz, Miriam Klackova, Joseph Bautista, Martine Passalacqua, Gilbert Lim, Sharon Prior Comley, Familia Tomo, Skipo Jack, Krasi Caban, Sheenu Singh, Rhiannon Rock, Cresta Galicia Cruz, Praisey Joy Cruz, Melodyrie Dela Cruz, Tata Cruz, Melody Dela Cruz,Patrick Cruz, Gagandeep Kaur, Ulrikke Keylonta, Richard Dela Cruz, Julie Marie, Josephine C Fernan, Attila Incze, MeLizza AuBrey Cruz, Melanie Lumanlan-sam, Larry Galvez Lamparero, Rommel ZuRc, Tracey Kennedy,Radka Votavová, Par Nia, Parvaneh Mtvi, Rakesh Jain Kawdia, JoSe A DeLa CrUz, Shamsi Yasrebi, Fariba Rahimipour, Jana Kliková, Rommel Dela Cruzand Catalina Dela Cruz. |
July 2, 2013
Super Article – Children Born With Advanced DNA
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So happy you found this Elaine. Which of Drunvalo’s books is this taken from?
Hey… me too, I want to know how to change my DNA. Let’s see what we can find out.
See ya soon. Anna
how do I change my dna, increasing the number of active codons??
Hi Anna & Kevin,
Wish I knew the secret formula myself, but can’t help there. However, I do believe that as we evolve and increase our frequencies, some new and heightened abilities unfold….Let’s trust and enjoy those gifts.
As for which book this article comes from, I am not sure, but I googled “Drunvallo plus Indigo Children” and there were quite a few references, some of which mention his books. I suggest you look there for further information.
all the best, Elaine