Good article! (See below) A quick thanks to Lesh Karan for her article on a shift in consciousness re. cooking. And, I would like to offer one additional reason we cook: As we cook varied foods for ourselves and our loved ones, we contribute to their energetic balance and well-being. The food we choose contributes to a wellness that is based not only on the quality, taste and aesthetics of what we offer, but the vibrations of the foods effects our energy fields and effects the energies we need for how we function as we move through our day. Becoming aware of the high (light/ fast) or low (dense & slow) vibrations of the foods we choose will support the bodies and lifestyles of those for whom you cook. It will serve you and your families well to consider the energies of the food you serve the next time you choose between a potato and banana (dense & grounding) or a salad and piece of watermelon (light & energizing). Happy cooking and heathy eating………..
Cooking ~ a shift in consciousness ~ a renewed respect
“Sometime cooking can feel like thankless duty ~ and something that you need to fit in among the other million things you need to do in the day.
Cooking on most days for yourself {and your loved ones} can even see lovers of cooking reach an impasse and feel bored with it all.
I must admit my head does get into that space at times.
When I’m feeling like that, I need to remind myself of the joy that I get from this act of service to myself and my loved ones.”
For more information on the Energetics of Food see Thanksgiving Seen Through New Eyes