Every human being, by virtue of his/her energetic make-up, is an ‘Energy Worker’. Though we appear solid, we are, in reality, composed of a wide range of rapidly moving molecules of energy. Some of us awaken to the reality of these vibrations, how they effect us and how our frequencies effect the world as well. [...]
You are what you eat. No you will not become a jelly doughnut if you eat one, but rather your signature vibration, the core notes of frequencies of who you are effected by the vibrations of everything you ingest.... http://transformationenergetics.com/2012/08/you-are-what-you-eat/#
Pinned: 10 Aug 2012
Changes confirmed! | Transformation Energetics ~ Thanks to this channeling by Blossom Goodchild, here is confirmation of the 2012 changes I have been writing about. Changes are happening. We are evolving energetically. http://transformationenergetics.com/2012/08/changes-confirmed/#
Pinned: 10 Aug 2012
The Astrology of Aug 6-13, 2012. ~ Over the past two weeks at and resolve our relationships issues. We are getting ready for the movement of Saturn through Scorpio, starting in October.......... http://transformationenergetics.com/2012/08/the-astrology-of-aug-6-13-2012/#
Pinned: 10 Aug 2012
<3 Cute friendship
Pinned: 10 Aug 2012
Pinned: 10 Aug 2012
Social Media: 3 Reasons You Should Post More Often http://www.JenniferHerndon.com
Pinned: 7 Aug 2012
Love #socialmedia tips? Get your FREE copy of "50 Social Media Tips for Any Business"! https://www.facebook.com/memarketingservices/app_102068836552678
Pinned: 7 Aug 2012
Independence From Old Patterns. Keith Allen, the creator of wonderful fractal mandalas offers us an effective strategy to energetically shift our stuck places…thank you, Keith.. Our lives are created from patterns, patterns of light and energy. Most of these patterns are helpful. We have energetic patterns that help us drive a car, make breakfast, regulate out heart rate... http://transformationenergetics.com/2012/07/independence-from-old-patterns/#
Pinned: 31 Jul 2012
You Are What You Wear (Part Two) by Elaine Seiler, ATH Guest Editor of Energy Medicine. One of the most fascinating expressions of the energies present in color and clothing I have ever witnessed was in Chiapas, Mexico. Outside the city of San Cristobal de las Casas, there are six or seven villages... http://www.allthingshealing.com/Energy-Medicine/You-Are-What-You-Wear-Part-Two/11379#