Hi Friends, Hope you had fun figuring out the message of my ‘messed up travel day’. Here is my interpretation: The old systems are breaking down so that new systems can come into form. Every system is effected. It showed up as it did for me because I have been trained to expect the unexpected [...]
Keith Allen Kay is the creator of many extraordinarily beautiful fractal manadalas. Today I want to share his “Quantum Wealth Attractor”. Keith offers the following affirmation, “My soul dwells in abundance. I am blessed without measure. “ He explains, “This mandala has a powerful morphic field for attracting abundance. As souls around the planet are using this mandala to [...]
A fascinating article by Carl John Calleman, Mayan Calendar Expert, leads me to share the following: The Mayan calendar ostensibly ended on Oct 28, 2011. What happens now? Though the Mayan number system ended on Oct 28th, the wave of energy (what I call ‘other dimensional energy’ and Calleman calls ‘the ninth wave’ ) is [...]
“We live in a time of accelerated change and transformation. Humanity at this time has a choice to stay just as they are ~ refusing to grow and expand their current level of being ~ or we can choose to actively participate in our souls transformational process fully accepting and integrating the energies of our [...]
Hi everyone, How are the post thanksgiving tummies? Well, I survived that yummy sweet potato casserole, turkey, cranberries, and a large piece of pumpkin chiffon pie that i couldn’t resist. Yes, I did feel the effects of all those mixed up vibrations. How did the rest of you manage? The energy of camaraderie and [...]
A holiday for ‘giving thanks’, a celebration of the harvest, an over-abundance of yummy food, the gathering of family and friends and the inevitable football on the television. These words have traditionally, described, ‘Thanksgiving’ for me. I thought this a rich and full description of this American holiday…until recently! Now, it seems a rather narrow [...]
To me, Energetics is the focus and study of the unseen energies that come from the other dimensions. They are so rapid we cannot ‘sense’ them with our ordinary 5 senses, but they are present, effecting us every moment of every day. For the past few weeks, I have felt like I was in a [...]
The Healing Power of Water ( Kindle) $9.66 "Caroline Myss, author of Sacred Contracts, calls Dr. Emoto, “magnificent…genius…His research in spiritual consciousness is positively masterful.” http://www.amazon.com/The-Healing-Power-Water-ebook/dp/B000SF9YXG/ref=pd_sim_kstore_3#
Pinned: 16 Oct 2012
The Hidden Messages in Water [Kindle Edition] This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. $13.99 http://www.amazon.com/The-Hidden-Messages-Water-ebook/dp/B004V3WPUA/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8=1350415000=1-1#
Pinned: 16 Oct 2012
Pinned: 16 Oct 2012
Getting Rid of Negative Energy By Elaine Seiler [Kindle Edition] $2.99 Learn how to see and get rid of negative energies. Clearing negative energy in our bodies and environments is an important skill to develop. Deal with difficult people and situations more effectively. Improve many health problems. http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Rid-Negative-Energy-ebook/dp/B0091DWWD0/ref=sr_1_cc_3?s=aps=UTF8=1350108762=1-3-catcorr=elaine+seiler#
Pinned: 13 Oct 2012
Amazon.com: Whaledreamers: Pierce Brosnan, John Hurt, Julian Lennon, Geoffrey Rush: Amazon Instant Video $2.99 http://www.amazon.com/Whaledreamers/dp/B001U7N7PW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8=1350108608=8-1=elaine+seiler#
Pinned: 13 Oct 2012
3 Free Ebooks By Elaine Seiler http://transformationenergetics.com/#
Pinned: 13 Oct 2012
"Dig Deep & Be Flexible" These are the guidelines offered by Astrologer, Eric Francis for managing the energies of the next three months. http://transformationenergetics.com/2012/10/dig-deep-be-flexible/#
Pinned: 13 Oct 2012
how to put together a media kit (for bloggers) from vmacandcheese.com