Any idea what this gorgeous vegetable might be ?
It is a purple carrot.
Beautiful and delicious too. Any one want to guess at its vibration – heavy or light ?
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Any idea what this gorgeous vegetable might be ?
It is a purple carrot.
Beautiful and delicious too. Any one want to guess at its vibration – heavy or light ?
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I have just finished reading the excellent article, IF YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE, On the Moral Urgency of Climate Change, by Katherine Dean Moore in THE SUN, Dec. 2012.
A powerful statement about climate change and what we, as individuals could and should do if we are to save our planet for future generations.
As a species we have not been doing that. We have allowed expediency, fear, anger and hopelessness to hold back our fight for what we know is right. I totally agree with all of what Katherine so powerfully says. (“We believe we can destroy our habitat without destroying ourselves. How could we be so tragically wrong.” “The thought that we might be losing our songbirds, trading them for something we don’t care about at all, like running shoes, makes me angry. And still, I drive to the store and buy running shoes.” Are we going to let it all slip away – All those billions of years it took to evolve the song in a frog’s throat or the stripe in a lily – because we’re too busy?’)
AND….I believe there is a something more that is an essential piece that she has not mentioned – Evolution!.
We, as a species, are evolving… as is the planet. Because evolution is slow and the current evolution is primarily energetic, it is hard to see, but it is nonetheless real and it is shaping the world that Katherine speaks and grieves about.
At one point in her article Katherine says: “We are at a critical point. We have a very narrow window of opportunity to get it right, and to get it right, we first have to imagine a new world, story by story.”
I believe she has missed one very important story – the story of the current energetic evolution of the planet for if we believe that story and I do, then, we immediately shift from hopelessness and despair to hope and trust. We suddenly see the progress and the changes rather than the places that need to change. And, we focus on where we are going, rather than where we are.
I agree with Katherine’s perception of our moral obligation to the future of planet earth and our children and grandchildren, but I disagree that we have a narrow window or all is lost.
We are in the midst of an evolutionary process that cannot be stopped, that is taking us to a whole new reality, to a future we cannot even imagine that exists in a dimension we can only dream of or see in our meditations. We are moving from the Third Dimension which is based on physical reality and verified and confirmed by our five senses ..the reality that Katherine fears is being destroyed right before her eyes. And it IS disappearing, but not only because of neglect, inaction, or moral slack. We are moving into the Fifth Dimension where physicality no longer exists, where climate change is not an issue. Where what one thinks, manifests, where what one dreams, appears, where the polarity that so disturbs Katherine, the good vs. evil, peace vs. war, moral rectitude vs. non-caring greed simply doesn’t exist. That is the new earth, the new reality that has been unfolding step by slow step since the Harmonic Convergence of the mid 80’s through 12.21.12, the end of the Mayan Calendar and into the future of 2013 and beyond.
Can I offer you proof? No., but I trust it 100%. I have been feeling the effects of this shift and I have been guided in my understanding of that shift by a group of very powerful, insightful out of body beings or guides. I trust them implicitly. Their wisdom has guided my path for the past twenty years. It is their viewpoint that I present here (see my book on the subject, Multi-Dimensional YOU. http://www.transformationenergetics jtttp://
I applaud Katherine’s commitment and her encouragement to the rest of us to walk our talk, follow our moral commitment and fight non-violently for what we believe, but I feel compelled to add this dimensional viewpoint; it opens, enriches and colors our world. It leads me to awaken others to the shifts that are occurring around them, to explore the subtle messages from the unseen realms, and to move forward with trust rather than fear of the future. I am not being an ostrich with my head in the sand, an airhead with my head in the clouds, nor am I hard-hearted and unmoved by the destruction of our natural habitats and the extinction of many important species, but when I look energetically at the loss of those spaces and species, I remind myself of my belief that they decided they had completed their time on earth in physicality and were ready (as we will be in the future) to let go of physicality and function in the realms of faster frequencies without their physical suits of clothing.
Let us stand behind our beliefs AND let us recognize and share the truth of the energetic changes on the planet today as we become a new species in a multi-dimensional world.
I invite you to take a minute and visit the homepage of my website, stay connected and sign up to receive a free copy of my book 7 Essential Things To Know As You Evolve Into A Multi-Dimensional Being
By Himat Kaur Khalsa
According to Himat Kau Khalsa, an Evolutionary Astologer,
“humanity is still evolving, and we’re definitely being asked to go to a deeper, broader, more integrated and all-embracing way of being.
We’re being asked to root out “weedy” things in us that get in the way of good growth; to shore up the foundation of the highest Truth of us; to “rewire” how we think of ourselves, how we relate to our brothers and sisters (in the local as well as the global sense); and how we frame our ideas of what life is and the part we can/should play in it. The evolution of our understanding and reframing of life takes time, which is totally okay and good.
Having said all of that, Himat pondered the astrological landscape of December 2012. I have extracted the key points from her excellent astrological reading:
1) What Astrologers call ‘A Mutual Reception’ (when each of two planets move through the sign of the other planet) will occur between 2012 and 2015, amplifying the themes of these two planets, “healing and transforming “bad” and limiting things we have institutionalized culturally and personally (Pluto in Capricorn), and taking responsibility for how we live with and care for other people (Saturn in Scorpio)”. The last time this occurred was during the American Revolutionary War.
2) From Dec. 2012 until March, 2013, Pluto and Saturn will be sextile one another, …stimulating and energizing each other and offering us “opportunities in which to engage”.
3) A Yod (planets in the position of a Y) and the Lunar Eclipseamped up the energy of the two key planets and turned them into “agents of immense pressure upon this passing Moon, which is being eclipsed by the Sun at the same time., thereby facilitating humanity to “step out of the bold tyranny of powerful, dominating rulers, and break free from the status quo or limiting patterns, maybe only briefly, but long enough to slip the noose. …
4) The Lunar Eclipse, as if we’re being asked to do a reset of our psyches and emotions, to reflect a clearer vibration born of our work on healing and transformation stimulated by the Pluto-Saturn sextile.
5) On December 22, 2012, Jupiter transits Gemini and moves into the same place of the eclipsed moon, when it becomes the foot of a Yod with Saturn and Pluto, creating… two realities for each of us: the actual, external, factual reality … and the internal interpretation of that reality”…Jupiter asks us to expand our understanding, to see beyond our current habitual thoughts and paradigms. … and simply take in information for ourselves, ponder it to come to our own derived conclusions andbeliefs.…”
6) The Lunar Eclipse and Yod of November 28, 2012, followed by the Yod of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter on December 22, 2012, invite us to actively participate in our own transformation, individually and societally…
What You Can Do:
Mentally: Make the effort to see more clearly…. Entertain the idea of letting a shift occur internally, where you begin to integrate a perspective that reflects broader, higher principles.
Yogically: Use (Meditation) to support and balance the pressures brought to bear on Jupiter in Gemini. This would be especially helpful leading up to and beyond the day of the exact Yod on December 22, 2012. …
Himat Kaur[email protected].
Summarized from her complete posting…
The revelations of our energetic Universe keep on coming from many sources, including NASA’s new satellites, and it’s quite remarkable.
The observable Universe is something mankind has read as a language since the beginning. The unobservable worlds have always been the realm of philosophers, religious expressions and the esoteric sciences.
Are they coming together via modern technology, as we approach the Singularity as some call it, as a manifestation of some sort of consciousness shift?
I think so.
The video below was sent to me by a dear friend at Philosophers Stone in confirmation of my last poston this subject. It so blew my mind I wanted to get it out there as a sequel of sorts and to reinforce the above.
More information being collected by higher and higher technology is making some seriously profound discoveries.
NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope is finding hundreds of new objects at the very edge of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many of them have one thing in common: Astronomers have no idea what they are. – NASA comment on the video
The beauty of this is the scientific community’s own sense of awe as they’re no doubt realizing the old way of viewing the Universe has got to change. And, that we have a lot to learn about our energetic source.
That’s a good thing.
Let’s hope it stays refreshing and not the canned suppression of information we’re used to.
The statements in this recent NASA video I find refreshing. While again it’s a carefully produced item for public consumption from a tightly controlled operation, when you realize what they are talking about and trying to describe is fundamentally the creative, energetic workings of our amazing Universe that can only lead to more Truth, that’s cool!
Especially in light of the vibrational change we’re going through.
“Fermi is picking up crazy-energetic photons” says Dave Thompson, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “And it’s detecting so many of them we’ve been able to produce the first all-sky map of the very-high energy Universe.”
The gamma rays Fermi detects are billions of times more energetic than visible light. He goes on to say that science only knew of 4 sources of gamma rays before, and now they’ve found over 600 news ones…a third of which they have no idea what they are! That’s huge!
P.S. The information from NASA is the official scientific stance. It indicates that we need not be afraid; we are not facing the end of the earth. however, it does not speak about energetics of what is taking place. I believe the energies that came through to the earth around Dec. 21st. are real and will have a positive effect on human consciousness. ~ Elaine
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Waking Times
Much has been written in recent times – especially through 2012 – about our planetary “Ascension”. What exactly does the term mean? What is going on? To me it is an entirely natural evolutionary flow of the universe which although can be explained in scientific terms, can only really be grasped through spiritual realisation. To me, it is the movement of sentient life from one vibrational frequency of reality into a higher one. Along with a growing number of evolving people, I perceive Ascension is happening on Planet Earth right now as Gaia shifts her centre of consciousness into the 5th Density…
Natural organising energy
I can recall only one lecture from a Masters Degree in Natural Sciences. The rather flamboyant and world renown Professor Atkins strode majestically up to the board and wrote a huge “G” on it. “What does that stand for?” he demanded of the audience “free entropy!” shouted a brave student from the back row. “No!” bellowed Atkins back, “it stands for the Garbage written about it!”, upon which, the audience descended into raucous laughter!
I sometimes feel the same might be said of Ascension. It’s entirely understandable because it is a complex subject. Interestingly Ascension is entirely linked to the movement of free entropy. Imagine a building made of matchsticks and then pulling one from the foundation. The building will topple and the matchsticks scatter. There is an increase in ‘disorder’, which is an increase in free entropy. But at the same time, there is an ordering movement of negative entropy that wants to find a higher harmony from the constituent parts. This pull can be equated to Ascension.
It’s something I never really could grasp intellectually until I began to experience it myself following the events of a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. As I surrendered attachment to life and with it internal fixed relationships to reality, the world I had become accustomed to bent, twisted and shattered around me. It is only then that I became able to feel and follow the underlying organising energy called Ascension and what science might call ‘an increase in neg-entropy’. Or alternatively, what spiritual seekers might call the pull of ‘unconditional love‘. To me, they are all one and the same.
The big bang
Take yourself back to the beginning of the universe for a moment. Close your eyes and imagine the point before which all of the physical universe came into being – before what science called the “big bang“. To me, there is nothing, where nothing is everything. And this nothing/everything has two possibilities: it can either remain in that state of pure presence or, it can subdivide into parts of itself. Given the state of infinite time – because at that point there was no time – then you have the absolute probability that both states will happen.
In other words, it is inevitable that pure presence will subdivide into parts of itself, where the ‘parts’ are consciousness, an awareness of relativity: “this” and “that”. This one underlying dynamic has shaped the entire universe. A chain reaction of internal sub-division caused a rapid explosion outwards. Or if looking from the whole of it, a rapid subdivision inwards, depending on ones perspective. Whatever and wherever the perspective you look from, there is the movement of energy, of consciousness, of light. They are all one and the same thing.
Over time, the spread outwards of “Separation Consciousness” to fill the universe with light, begins to condense into form because of the equal and opposite pull inwards of “Unity Consciousness“. You might consider yourself as the ‘creator’, casting a pebble into a universal pond which then creates ripples in space. The flow outwards on the surface is counterbalanced by an undertow back in to the source, thus creating standing waves, a metaphor which aptly describes densities of consciousness – Dimensions of Reality – that take shape within space.
Dimensions of Reality
Both science and spirituality have spoken of 11 dimensions in all. Personally I have many direct experiences of these and can feel them arrayed into three realms of consciousness: the Lower Realm enfolds the 1st, 2nd and 3rd densities which humanity mostly currently resides within. It is separated by a karmic bridge/barrier which I know as the 4th Density, leading to the Middle Realm enfolding the 5th, 6th and 7th densities. This in turn is separated by another bridge/barrier, the 8th density, leading to the Higher Realm of the 9th, 10th and 11th densities.
The contraction or ‘condensation’ of the universe into physical form seems to be taking the shape of what science is calling the “Torus”, which may be considered in the metaphoric form of an apple. In the centre is the source – a vortex of spinning emptiness – and spiraling outwards are the dimensions of increasing density, from 11 down to 1.
Form takes shape first in the outer densities, as the higher degree of disorder propels the gathering consciousness outwards like the centrefugal force of a washing machine.
Within each system of life that is created, there is inherent instability, which is caused by the pull of Unity Consciousness back to the source; an agitating, catalysing energy which is ever seeking out higher perfections. Over time, each harmonic system of life decays, falls apart and then re-orders itself according to a higher harmonic frequency. So progressively, life is drawn ever higher through the densities until it reunites with the source. This process of moving upwards in frequency is Ascension.
Gaia’s rebirth
In the meditation groups and courses that I run, awake and evolving people are tuning in and feeling this process happening for Gaia herself right now. I’ve worked with a number of sensitive and empathic women who can feel Gaia as if she’s giving birth to a New World in the 5th Density of the Middle Realm. It’s a truly miraculous and breath taking process to witness and feel. It coincides of course which many of the ancient prophecies such as that of the Mayans. Although much distortion and hype has been written, it feels very much as if that process will indeed complete towards the culmination of 2012.
What will that mean exactly for life here on Earth?
Well firstly it is vital to say that it won’t immediately end! Gaia is a multidimensional being and under usual circumstances, able to sustain life in both parallel worlds.
That said, the rate of consumption and destruction of the Earth’s surface here in the Lower Realm is accelerating at such a pace, it feels like various tipping points have been activated which could indeed bring life to a cleansing completion in a time frame that could be as little as two or three human generations, assuming current trends continue.
This may cause incredible sense of internal turmoil, emotion and resistance to what could take place here. But again, it is an entirely natural evolutionary process in the life of a star. Gaia has cleansed her surface five times in her past history, in order to allow a new harmony and balanced sense of ‘rightness’ to take on new form. It is this very process which is causing the old systems of consciousness in which we’ve lived, to fracture and fall a part right now. The strain under which we observe the current financial system is a classic example. An old disharmony of inequity and injustice must shatter in order for the pull of Ascension to reorganise a higher one.
The human story
Why is it then that our society seems not to observe or accept the idea of Planetary Ascension? It is because the physical aspect of the human body, which many identify with, is only designed to tune into three dimensions of reality: the physical Lower Realm. We are each bombarded with literally billions of bits of information every second and yet the average human brain can only process a very tiny proportion of this. To cope with the overload, the brain forms a map of the reality it has come to expect and filters out the rest of the information. Since our reality is shaped by what our consciousness is attuned to, then our experience can become severely limited, if all we’re doing is being engrossed in the world of physicality. In other words, we confine ourselves to what we experience only at the edge of the universal ‘pond’.
Whether we know it or not though, this underlying flow of Ascension is affecting every single thought feeling and emotion that we have. By our alignment with it, or our insensitivity, denial or resistance to it, every single action is shaped in our lives. It is the underlying flows of cause and effect as they pass through us that shapes the circumstances of life. The more conscious and aware of this process we become, the more harmonious our lives can become. As we begin to surrender the need to shape the external drama, then we engage onwardly the flow of Ascension, experienced as a heart felt pull or the landing of simple inner knowing…”This is how I must be now. This is what I must do now.”
When we align with this inner pull increasingly through the daily interactions of our lives, continually finding and centering in our higher aspects of beingness, then attachment to the lower densities unravels and our consciousness begins to expand and ascend through the dimensions. We experience this multidimensionality as a sense of interconnectedness with all life, an underlying flow which shapes the circumstances of our lives with benevolent intent. It feels increasingly harmonious, empowered and joyful.
The Five Gateways
We unfold through what’s been termed the “Five Gateways” of consciousness, and when the physical body falls away, there is no longer the need to reincarnate here. Our learning experience has been completed and the time has come for higher reality experiences in a finer density.
This is the invitation that the benevolent open hand of the universe is currently extending to humanity in these amazing times of powerful transformation. If we let go of the need to shape our lives, and attune to the unraveling, unfolding flow of Unity Consciousness we can feel as the soul within, then we’ll align with this movement and ride the wave into the higher paradigm. As the old structures of the lower density fall apart, we’ll continue our journey in the new realm on a Renewed Earth.
To me, this is the situation humanity and our planet currently finds itself in.
Ascension is our challenge and our opportunity.
About the Author
Chris Bourne – At the age of 40, I was involved in a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid re-connection with the conscious life force through all things.
I found myself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. It was then I began to fully realise my true reason for being here. During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.
This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright.
My consciousness expansion however did not end there. It continued to blossom and expand. I became acutely aware of a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. I have come to know this Group of Nine intimately. It guides my life and is the basis of Openhand itself.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration.
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Do not plan to listen to this from our site on the day of the meditation. You must download it ahead of time and be ready.
Click here for The Aethos Sound Meditation (5 mins 4 secs) (When you click on the link it will open in a new window)
The Cosmic WindowA Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon In this final message of the year we wish to address an energetic opportunity for the elevation of consciousness and the illumination of your mind, heart and body. We call this the Cosmic Window because it is an opening through which you can more easily transcend the perceived limitations of time and space.
The window we are speaking about in this message begins on December 21, 2012 (the Winter Solstice) and continues for three days, through December 23, 2012. This Cosmic Window is visited twice every year during both the Winter and Spring Solstices.
As each year progresses various planetary and galactic alignments take place and “color” the window through which you can perceive your expanded nature. There are other cosmic windows as well.
Two of Earth’s most frequent cosmic windows occur just before sunrise and just after sunset. These two windows are dimensional portals through which you can peer more easily through the veils that separate the worlds. Shamans are well aware of these auspicious moments, but the Cosmic Window we are speaking about in this message has greater import, due to its alignment with the galactic core, the Central Sun of your galaxy, which is, in fact, a black hole.
This particular and rare alignment will result in a broadcasting of evolutionary energies throughout the galaxy. Your Earth is one of innumerable planets receiving this energy of upliftment.
As we view it, this cosmic alignment does not sound the end of your world, but it does herald a new beginning. How each of you deals with these catalytic evolutionary energies is a personal choice.
Indeed many individuals might experience these intense energies as an irritant. If you are not prepared mentally, emotionally and energetically to jump to higher levels within yourself, these energies can make you feel like you’re losing your mind.
If, however, you are aligned with the movement upward you will be carried by these energies. They can open extraordinary vistas for you if you are open to them.
This three-day period is an ideal time to contemplate your life from the vantage point of expanded states of consciousness, to step outside your timeline to sense the patterns of your life and your personal history that have brought you to this point in time.
Do not shy away from those portions of your earthly experience that have been and perhaps are, difficult. There are treasures to be found in the shadows.
Indeed, it is from the shadows of your collective and personal history that new energies will be released. Our suggestion on how to enter into this window centers around the Aethos Sound Meditation.
We suggest you read a previous message entitled The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness to more fully understand the method. We suggest you work with the five-minute version of the sound meditation unless you are familiar and comfortable with the intense upwardly moving energetics of this catalytic sound piece in the longer version.
At various moments throughout this three-day period we suggest you set aside some time in which you will not be disturbed. Listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation with your focus of attention in your heart chakra, unless you have discovered that focusing in another chakra imparts more powerful experiences.
After listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation imagine in whatever way feels comfortable to you that some part of you floats up above your timeline. Imagine that this part of you can sense your entire history and perhaps the histories of previous lives as well.
Resting in this transcendent state of mind, contemplate the mysterious gift and burden of your embodied life.
If you stumble upon a “knotty” or difficult situation that brings you down from your transcendent state into the emotional cauldron of regret, anger, despair and/or hopelessness, pause and return to the Aethos Sound Meditation again and rise upward, as it were, upon it’s wings to your transcendent nature and contemplate again. For some of you this may take many cycles.
We suggest you undertake this as many times as you are comfortable with during this three-day period. If you can manage yourself through the art of patience we suggest you avoid the temptation to create outcomes until the last portion of this window, which will be in the evening of December 23. The more deeply you contemplate your life in the manner we have described the more powerful your creations will be.
In a previous Planetary Message entitled The Sphere of All Possibilities, we shared a method for manifesting positive outcomes in your life. We suggest reading this if you do not have a personal method for manifesting. Seeding new realities during the final phase of this Cosmic Window will greatly assist your creations.
Finally, we ask that in the final portions of the Cosmic Window, the evening of the 23rd, you add the powers of your consciousness toward a planetary outcome. Envision planetary cooperation and humanity’s collective recognition of life’s inter-connectedness as we described it in The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness.
The great vessel of humanity is poised to change direction. As the winds of change press against the sails of this metaphorical ship, do not be concerned as the ship lists as one side or the other presses against the waters of collective emotion.
The keel will keep your vessel safe. The keel is your human heart and whatever occurs around you, set your keel deep into the waters, and you will find safe passage.
The Hathors
December 4, 2012
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
In terms of practicalities, I would like to clarify one part of this message for those who might not be familiar with floating up above their timelines.
The basic method is simply to listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation with awareness in your heart chakra. (If you have already experimented with this sound piece and find that you have more vivid experiences when you place your mental focus in some other chakra, then you might choose to focus there.)
After listening to the five-minute version of the sound meditation, the Hathors suggest that you….“ imagine that some part of you floats up above your timeline. Imagine that this part of you can sense your entire history and perhaps the histories of previous lives as well.”
If you are an experienced Argonaut of the Mind, then you probably have your own way of slipping through the knot of perceived time and space to experience your expanded nature. And from this aspect of yourself you can “view” your life from a position outside life’s constraints, so to speak. And as the Hathors said, some of you might find yourselves contemplating other life times as well.
If you are new to this type of brain skill, and don’t know how to proceed with this phase of the contemplation, I have a couple of suggestions.
Suggestion Number One:
Imagine a line in front of you. Sense this line in whatever way that feels comfortable to you. This mediation is in no way a visualization, and it is immaterial whether you see anything or not.
You will naturally tend to sense this imaginary timeline in your own primary sensory modality (meaning the sense you use most often when remembering events in the past or imagining events in the future). For some of you this might mean that you “feel” the timeline in some way especially if you are a kinesthetic processor of information. Others (called auditory processors) might have an internal voice that describes the timeline, while visual processors will tend to have a mental impression of “seeing” the timeline. Just go with how you sense the timeline when you imagine it.
Next, imagine that at one end of this line is your birth and the portion of the line directly in front of you is the current moment of your life. The other end of the line, not yet defined, is your death. For some people, their births will be off to the left while others may sense it off to the right. It doesn’t matter where the birth point of your life is.
Then as you contemplate various incidents in your life, locate them along the line in your imagination. Thus, if something occurred that was significant when you were five years old, it would be closer to your birth point than say something that happened when you were forty, and so forth.
The goal of this contemplation is to sense your life and the choices you have made from the vantage point of your expanded nature. In order to accomplish this change in perspective (or vantage point), imagine that some part of you floats up above the timeline that is directly in front of your physical body. You might find that this “floating part of you” is just above you, or it might be very far above you. Let the “part” float to the position it wishes to, and then observe your timeline and your personal history from this location outside the constraints of your physical body.
In this message, the Hathors suggest listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation for five-minutes (with awareness in your heart chakra) and then to contemplate the situations in your life from the vantage point that is above your imagined timeline.
One result of this perspective (i.e., outside and above your timeline) is that you become less identified with the specific events of your life and more identified with the expanded aspects of your nature. This expanded sense of yourself transcends the stories of your life—your personal history—and connects you with an aspect of your consciousness that is unfettered by the circumstances of your past. Through the shifting of self-identity from “your life” as it is experienced in your timeline, you can make contact with your larger Self that views your personal history quite differently than the “you” that is living your life as a human.
This shift of perspective brings with it a greater sense of self-compassion (or self-love) as well as a type of grace that often eludes those of us living our lives as embodied beings.
I have worked with the basic method that the Hathors describe, but find it more powerful to listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation for a few minutes before contemplating my life, and then continue listening to the extended version of the sound meditation while viewing my life above my imagined timeline (the one that is in front of my physical body).
I find that keeping my focus in my heart chakra while listening and floating up above my timeline creates a lot more energy, imparts deeper insights and generates very interesting holographic types of visual imagery when I hit a significant event in my past.
I ran this observation by one of my mentors and he said that this way of working was highly effective, but might be too powerful for those new to the sound meditation.
The reason for this is that the Aethos Sound Meditation is a very high vibrational energy and can start a spiritual purification process in the listener. So practically speaking, I think it best to work with the five-minute version first, before venturing into the longer thirty-minute version. But once you get accustomed to the sound meditation, see if the method I just described works for you.Suggestion Number Two:
Some people are simply not good at imagining geometric forms, even lines, much less working with them. If you are such a person, this next suggestion works quite well.
Forget about timelines altogether, and instead, listen to the Aethos Sound Meditationfor five-minutes with awareness in your heart chakra. Then immediately after listening, think about your life and the crucial events in your past. Keep your focus of attention in your heart chakra while you do this. Then when you hit a “knot” or emotional charge, keep your focus in your heart chakra while you contemplate the event(s). If the emotional charge builds too much, return to the five-minute version of the sound meditation keeping your focus in your heart until the emotional charge of the remembered event(s) recedes from your mind. When you get an expanded sense of yourself again, stop the sound meditation and return to contemplation of the past event(s). Continue to work with your past in this way until you have neutralized the impact of the memory/memories.
The goal of the meditation is to view your life from an expanded sense of yourself. And from this expanded sense of your personal identity (i.e., outside perceived time and space), your views of yourself and your past will change.
The Mysterious Gift
I found a phrase in this message to be of particular interest to me, and it occurred in the portion of the communication where the Hathors were addressing the goal of this specific contemplation.
“Resting in this transcendent state of mind, contemplate the mysterious gift and burden of your embodied life.”
It is interesting that the Hathors, who reside primarily in the fourth through the twelfth dimensions, would view embodied life as both a gift and a burden. What did they mean by this? I had my own thoughts on the matter but went to my mentors and asked them to clarify.
They essentially said that human life is a rare and precious opportunity to learn dimensional mastery, meaning the ability to navigate through time and space, while operating from a realization of being transcendent to time and space. This is the gift of embodiment, as they view it, because the tension between our infinite natures and the finite limitations of our bodies is the stuff out of which greater spiritual mastery arises.
The burden of human embodied life, from their perspective, comes from the fact that we humans are wedged between the constraints of time, place and circumstance—most of which serve to reinforce our sense of limitation.
Add to this the unrelenting force of entropy and the ever-constant pull from the gravity-well of Earth, and you really have something to contend with.
Indeed, the task of making contact with our infinite unbounded natures while operating within the reality of physical and cultural constraints is, in many ways, a herculean effort. And that is why life is, to borrow a phrase from Joseph Campbell, the hero’s (or heroine’s) journey.Note: The parenthesis is mine. The actual phrase attributed to Campbell is the hero’s journey. My personal sense is that he was using the masculine form to refer to both men and women—as that was (and still is) the social convention. While some may think it is splitting hairs to delineate both the hero and the heroine, I think the inclusion of the feminine in the mythic template of heroism is vital. Social realities are shaped by both physical necessity and mythic/religious symbolism. Indeed, from my sense of things, mythic symbolism is a potent force that moves through the tapestry of culture and affects us in ways we are largely unaware of. In the reality of earthly life, women are often cast into the roles (and/or necessity) of being heroic, just as men often are. I think it is time to raise men and women to equal footing on this matter.
The Contemplation of Life
It occurred to me, after receiving this message, that the method the Hathors gave for contemplating our lives during the Cosmic Window would be a powerful transformational tool anytime—especially during life transitions.
I ran this by my mentors , and they said yes, the method could be used anytime to great benefit. It is simply that this specific Cosmic Window is particularly charged with catalytic energies, which is why they brought the technique forward at this time.
Although I addressed it earlier, I think it would be helpful to return to the pivotal point of the method for those of you who wish to use this technique after we have passed through this particular alignment.
The crucial concept behind the method is our habitual act of self-identification. Normally, we self-identify through our bodily existence. We experience our life as a linear movement through time and space.
This is our biological reality, and as human mammals we are bound to this via our nervous systems and the necessity to orient ourselves to the realities of the physical world in order to survive.
However, there is an aspect of ourselves that is transcendent to time and space, or at the very least, somewhat detached from it.
How you get to this expanded sense of yourself is immaterial. What is important is the act of stepping outside the box of your own self-identifications.
The Aethos Sound Meditation is one way to step outside “the box.” There are many other ways to do this as well. How you get there is not that important. However, stepping into an expanded sense of yourself is vital. It is from this expanded sense of Self that you can contemplate your life from a perspective that is not bound by the stories and the conflicts of your life.
There is power in doing this.
Final Thoughts
The Hathors say that the third and final day of the Cosmic Window, December 23rd, is a potent window for personal manifesting. And if you wish to explore this opportunity using their method for creation, I suggest you read their planetary message, The Sphere of All Possibilities.
It is during this final phase of the Cosmic Window that the Hathors put forth a request. They ask that we add the powers of our intent to a specific planetary outcome—the collective recognition of life’s interconnectedness and the necessity for planetary cooperation between the peoples of the world (as opposed to conflict).
Their suggestion on how to accomplish this task appears in one of their previous messages, The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness. You can find a link to the Aethos Sound Meditation at the end of this message and you can also find a link to the sound meditation in the Listening section of the website.
You can locate all past Hathor Planetary messages in the Archives section of the website by clicking on the Hathors tab that appears on the Home Page.
Information Unrelated to this Message
We have posted several new audio files in the Listening section of the website, including an excerpt from a Hathor Intensive called Transmissions of Light.
The potent sound meditations that took place during the Intensive have been collected into a single CD that centers around the seven endocrine glands for the purpose of infusing them with spiritual light. This new recording is now available as both a physical CD and/or as an mp3 audio download.
Click here for further information about Transmissions of Light.
©2012 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
You may make copies of this message and distribute it any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. The meditations in the Listening Section are for your personal listening only and may not be distributed or copied without permission from Tom Kenyon. They may not be posted on any other web site or any social media site.
This is an excerpt from the Channeling by Jen Eramith, of December 2012.
There is a feeling this month of being suspended, like everything becomes very light. For some of you, this will feel easy and relieving. You will feel like you are floating balloon, like things are easy. For others of you, this feeling of lightness will be disorienting. Some of you may feel like there is nothing to grab onto or that it is difficult to make sense of things.
Just as if you were floating in a hot air balloon, you cannot act as if you are still on the ground or things will go poorly for you. This month, it is a time to let go of your everyday expectations. It is a time to release your need for order and go with the flow. The best thing you can do this month is to keep things simple. Be very simple and plain in your language. Do not overcomplicate a situation. Try to avoid assumptions. Do not make assumptions about how other people feel or what they mean. If you are unsure, just ask them directly. Be as uncomplicated and straightforward as you can possibly be this month in order to help you move with lightness and freedom through the energy of the month.
That need for simplicity is especially strong this month because many new ideas are flying around. People have more expectations about what the year 2012 was supposed to mean, and many people have not yet come to terms with their feelings about those ideas or their feelings about the recent elections or other big changes happening. Many people just have not yet found their own footing. You will find people being too dramatic or making assumptions that are incorrect. You will find that situations become more complicated than they need to be. It will be important for you to counteract that dynamic by being very, very simple and plain in your words and actions. Do not rush into anything; try to be gentle with yourself and easygoing with people around you.
Yes. It is a very important to spend with friends and family. It is a good time to connect with the people that you love and to engage in community activities and communal efforts, because you can have a really profound effect on how things go for other people. Your ability to be at peace, to use humor and kindness, and to be easy with yourself will help other people find ease with themselves.
Do not isolate yourself this month. Do not make things simple by being alone — make things simple by being clear and easygoing when you engage with others. Do engage with others. It is important that you be connected. Part of the meaning of the year 2012 was always based on the fact that you are going through evolution as a human family, and the primary aspect of that evolution is that you are coming to realize that you are completely connected to one another. Everything you do affects everyone else.
This month, it will serve you to avoid isolation in order to foster that sense of connection. Spending time with people, working through conflicts, coming to a new understanding — doing all those things you have to do to build relationships – is the very heart of what the Year 2012 represents. You are evolving toward being a more communal people, more interconnected, recognizing that you are indeed One.
This day does have a unique and powerful energy. This is the solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Winter Solstice, in the Southern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice. This is a major turning point for the year, and because this year is a major turning point for humanity, this is the day that represents that shift. But the entire shift does not happen on one single day. The entire shift is already underway and you will continue to adjust to it in the years to come.
It is important on this day that you honor the shifts in your life, but do not expect that everything will shift and change all by itself. Unless you are involved in a group who creates a shift, for instance by acting as if it is the end of the world, then this day will likely unfold like any other. Resist the temptation to make something big happen, or to create a problem where none really exists. The shift is real, but it has already begun and you are already in the middle of adjusting to it. Everything about life on Planet Earth is changing in the ways that were prophesied, and this day is simply the central moment, like the eye of the storm…
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