
November 27, 2012

I don’t like to focus on negativity, but sometimes, I admit it is there, right before me.


I don’t like to focus on negativity, but sometimes, I admit it is there, right before me.  Not negativity as in evil or malicious, but negative in terms of energetic overload and drain.  Sometimes, when the energies in a space or field are not balanced or not resonant with my energies I get wiped out.  [...]


November 20, 2012

What Ascension Means To Me By Wendy & Greg Zangari


I have been reflecting a bit about the meaning of “ascension” for me (like you, I prefer to think of it as evolution) and my spiritual growth and evolvement over the last 30 years or so. Long before I had heard of “ascension” (which has only been within about the last 2 years), I was aware of [...]


November 16, 2012

The End of the Third Dimension. Welcome to the Multi-Dimensional World


Thank you to Brenda Hoffman for this wonderful description of this week’s energy shift! (for full channeling,  see…. “By the end of this week, you will most likely experience a shift you will note far more than any previous shift. A bit like having the sniffles versus the flu…. Even though you may not notice the [...]


November 11, 2012

The Ascension Code and The Nov. Solar Eclipse


As most of you know, I (Elaine) am more concerned with the ‘energetic evolution’ to multi-dimensionality than with personal spiritual  ’ascension’.  However, since there is a good bit of overlap and confusion between these two terms, I feel moved to share this very interesting channeling from Lauren Carolyn Gorgo and the Pleiadians.  Hold your hats, folks, [...]


November 6, 2012



We Are All One I am feeling Incredible gratitude for minimal loss of life, coupled with deep compassion for those whose losses are more than can be imagined.  I am touched by the unexpected kindness and generosity from strangers.   In the multi-dimensional world, we are all ONE; we are learning to live with this as our truth. [...]


November 5, 2012

Explore life beyond death – video

Check out this fascinating and well-presented video on The Near-Death Experience.  Listen carefully to the words used to describe the experiences – so similar to the words I use to describe the energetic world into which we are evolving in our bodies without going through the death. Please write back and tell us of your experiences of [...]


November 2, 2012

I use to be very judgmental, at least quietly in my head.

I use to be very judgmental, at least quietly in my head….. I am discovering that I really ‘like’ everyone I meet, even though their interests are very different than mine.  This is new for me…   Are you finding a shift in your attitudes towards those around you?  Old friends, New acquaintances?  Strangers?  We are each resonating [...]

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    • meditation

      Pinned: 28 Jun 2013
    • Flower of Life

      Pinned: 28 Jun 2013
    • Even though this was published almost a year ago, it’s even more relevant today than it was then.I definitely need to be ‘cooled’ down. ~ Elaine (Solar Flares 2012 – How they affect us by Kay Proudfoot.) Video

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • Purple Moon. Fantasy Art.

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • Mystical wings....

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • magick

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • "Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply inner connected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act." ♥ -Ram Dass

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
    • Each thought, each emotion creates a new pattern within the DNA, the cellular structure and the molecules of our entire Universe. One cannot think, or feel without the whole receiving the vibration of that thought or feeling. We are in this together...we are ONE. Be the change you wish to see in the world. You are THAT powerful!

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
    • "The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken." Eckhart Tolle

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
    • Tesla quote

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013