When I witnessed the attack at the Boston Marathon, I was shocked, angry, and deeply, deeply saddened. To be honest, I heard the news report and I cried… I did not know anyone participating in the race, but I was deeply touched. I knew as my heart opened and as I cried that a part [...]
Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you need proof that we may have had other lives? Check out this video…Share it with the skeptics around you…Consider this unbiased video news report that describes the clear and accurate memories of a young boy who knew more than a toddler and young boy could know. Listen for [...]
NASA Mystified By Enormous Energy Field Thank you to Zen Gardner from Before It’s News for the NASA update. The revelations of our energetic Universe keep on coming from many sources, including NASA’s new satellites, and it’s quite remarkable. The observable Universe is something mankind has read as a language since the beginning. The unobservable worlds [...]
Keep your distance. If you are a cell phone user, this means everyone of you….please listen to at least the beginning of this lengthy but fascinating presentation. Hear for yourself the results of a variety of studies done by leading researchers around the world and learn what your cell phone is doing to YOU….to YOUR [...]
Wow, since the launch of my book many wonderful things have been taking place in my life. I’ve been busy with: Articles – I have gotten 25 articles placed in regional and national magazines. Videos – I have created a slough of videos…8 are available for viewing on You Tube, one a Rap Song on [...]
How can one explain or accept the deaths of three high school students, tragically cut down at such a young age? From a rational, psychological or even spiritual perspective, we cannot. It is only when I go to the energetic or multi-dimensional perspective that I am able to make sense of an incident like the [...]
Scarlet Fever: What Will Happen in 2012? An energetic perspective on the outbreak of this disease By Elaine Seiler Recently I learned that my grandson, age 5, living in Westchester, NY, had been diagnosed with scarlet fever. I was shocked. How was that possible? Hadn’t scarlet fever been eradicated? What does one do for [...]
Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you this very important email I received. Feel free to share and join in. There’s a tweet you can retweet at the bottom of the article to help spread the word of this awesome event. Also please enjoy and share the video I created to educate the youth of [...]
This is a very powerful film and here is the full version of it on Youtube or you can watch it on the Thrive website. All they ask is $5 for viewing this video if you want to contribute. http://www.thrivemovement.com
Our hearts expand as we embrace the enormity of all the pain being suffered by the people and all living beings in Japan who have been impacted by the earthquake and the tsunami. When we feel that our hearts are breaking as we watch levels of suffering in actuality our hearts are expanding allowing us [...]
Even though this was published almost a year ago, it’s even more relevant today than it was then.I definitely need to be ‘cooled’ down. ~ Elaine (Solar Flares 2012 – How they affect us by Kay Proudfoot.) Video
Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
Purple Moon. Fantasy Art.
Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
Mystical wings....
Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
"Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply inner connected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act." ♥ -Ram Dass
Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
Each thought, each emotion creates a new pattern within the DNA, the cellular structure and the molecules of our entire Universe. One cannot think, or feel without the whole receiving the vibration of that thought or feeling. We are in this together...we are ONE. Be the change you wish to see in the world. You are THAT powerful!
Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
"The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken." Eckhart Tolle