
May 21, 2013

A Catalyst for Planetary Transformation, Raising the Vibrations on the Planet.


Learn about INELIA BENZ, Chilean catalyst and energy worker in this fascinating interview with Bill Ryan.  Born w/ extraordinary abilities, she spoke perfect Spanish at 9 months old.  Her current mission – to raise the vibrations on the planet….Listen to this interview and learn how you too can assist and facilitate the planet’s transformation.  Inelia [...]


February 26, 2013

Are Solar Flares Affecting YOU?


A crossroads for humanity…. Thank you Heather Carlini, for this fascinating article on Solar Flares.  As it perfectly describes so much of my experience both personally and with clients, I am sharing this whole article here.   I am interested in YOUR experience as you evolve, please share your symptoms.  You will know they are [...]


November 20, 2012

What Ascension Means To Me By Wendy & Greg Zangari


I have been reflecting a bit about the meaning of “ascension” for me (like you, I prefer to think of it as evolution) and my spiritual growth and evolvement over the last 30 years or so. Long before I had heard of “ascension” (which has only been within about the last 2 years), I was aware of [...]


February 25, 2012

2012, A Good Year; The End of an Old Time

  I like this so much I could not resist re-posting it here Thanks to Lee Carroll (“The Kryon Writings, Inc” ) Happy New Year to all! What can I say that hasn’t already been said about 2012? There are so many like me who are seeing this year as a pivotal point to [...]


February 13, 2012

VALENTINE’S DAY, A New Perspective…..


All photos courtesy of Feb. 14th, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, the day we celebrate our caring and love for one another, for our friends, family and beloveds.  Thousands of roses will be gifted, boxes of chocolates, elaborate gifts and cards conveying loving and caring sentiments exchanged.  On the surface such gift giving seems [...]


February 8, 2012

The Power of 11.11.11. Will Continue On


I am aware that 11.11.11 has long gone, but the information re. the energies and changes that were initiated on that day are still relevant.  I am therefore sharing it with you today to shed light on the whole year before us. ~Magickal Graphics~ Thank you to Archangel Michael as channeled through Rev. Nina Roe.( [...]


January 21, 2012

End of the Mayan Calendar?

A fascinating article by Carl John Calleman, Mayan Calendar Expert, leads me to share the following: The Mayan calendar ostensibly ended on Oct 28, 2011. What happens now? Though the Mayan number system ended on Oct 28th, the wave of energy (what I call ‘other dimensional energy’ and Calleman calls ‘the ninth wave’ ) is [...]


January 4, 2012

2012: Year of Power


A beautiful and inspiring message for the coming year 2012 – from Lee Harris .


May 6, 2011

Time Of Accelerated Change


“We live in a time of accelerated change and transformation. Humanity at this time has a choice to stay just as they are ~ refusing to grow and expand their current level of being ~ or we can choose to actively participate in our souls transformational process fully accepting and integrating the energies of our [...]


April 21, 2011

2012 Will Not Be The End Of The World


Carlos Barrios (Mayan Elder): “Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan [...]

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    • meditation

      Pinned: 28 Jun 2013
    • Flower of Life

      Pinned: 28 Jun 2013
    • Even though this was published almost a year ago, it’s even more relevant today than it was then.I definitely need to be ‘cooled’ down. ~ Elaine (Solar Flares 2012 – How they affect us by Kay Proudfoot.) Video

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • Purple Moon. Fantasy Art.

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • Mystical wings....

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • magick

      Pinned: 25 Jun 2013
    • "Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply inner connected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act." ♥ -Ram Dass

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
    • Each thought, each emotion creates a new pattern within the DNA, the cellular structure and the molecules of our entire Universe. One cannot think, or feel without the whole receiving the vibration of that thought or feeling. We are in this together...we are ONE. Be the change you wish to see in the world. You are THAT powerful!

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
    • "The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken." Eckhart Tolle

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013
    • Tesla quote

      Pinned: 24 Jun 2013