Elaine Seiler I was recently interviewed by my friend and social media manager, Carol Lawrence. Her questions were great and elucidate many of the topics that I write about. I thought you might find it interesting. And, please feel free to send in any questions that arise as your read. I am happy to answer [...]
In my last post Coping With Stress Part One, I introduced the concept of healing stress through energetics.. How is that done? What can we do to shift from a stressed to an emotionally balanced state? The answer is – to shift gears, just the way you would shift gears in a car. Shift [...]
We all experience stress at one time or another. I want to introduce you to a whole new way of perceiving and coping with everyday stress. Let me introduce you to the world of energetics, the world of vibrations that make up everything in and around you. Neither your body, not your environment are solid; [...]
Wow, since the launch of my book many wonderful things have been taking place in my life. I’ve been busy with: Articles – I have gotten 25 articles placed in regional and national magazines. Videos – I have created a slough of videos…8 are available for viewing on You Tube, one a Rap Song on [...]
Thanks to Losita Bhattacharya. http://www.collective-evolution.com/2011/11/10/ionearth-the-collective-evolution-ii-interview/ http://www.ionearth.org/?p=930 www.francodenicola.com. I am posting this interview between Losita Bhattacharya and Franco D Nicola to introduce the concept of time lines and to reinforce my belief that we create our reality and can effect the outcome of the current planetary shift. We can create a reality we choose in [...]
With thanks to Denise Le Fay http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/ 2012 TO DO LIST 2012 is the last year of the twenty-five yearlong (1987 to 2012 Winter Solstice) galactic alignment (conjunction) of our Winter Solstice Sun to the galactic axis. Be ready to let go of whatever limiting patriarchal belief systems, religious beliefs, personal identity beliefs, any residual lower emotions [...]
ENERGETICS GROUNDS IN SCIENTIFIC PROOF… I am happy to share this article written by Rebecca Cherry as it so beautifully sheds light from a scientific perspective on what I speak about through the language of Energetics. Personality, ego-based, physical action and interpretation is equivalent to how we have historically lived in the third dimension. As the [...]
Join Elaine Seiler and Angela Levesque, the host of a web-based radio program, “On Health & Healing” on a2zen.fm. Angela an Energy Healer, who is very interested in Energy Medicine will be sharing information with her listeners about our true nature as multi-sensory beings. They will be talking about Energetic Evolution! ~ Don’t miss the [...]
This video has some beautiful images and is a great story of someone else’s journey with Energetics. Each persons perception of the energetic realm is as individual as they are.
Here are some great quotes from Mitch Battros’ website. www.earthchangesmedia.com ”I believe it will be the magnetic influence produced by the Sun which will usher in what is described by our ancient ancestors as “the transition” bringing us to a new state-of-being”. says Mitch “Solar Cycle 24 has begun – and it has been predicted [...]
It’s not clear why or when this stray black cat turned up in the bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo. But something is clear: She’s been coming back for 10 years to see her friend, the oldest known female Asiatic bear.
Pinned: 24 May 2012
Hello adorable albino baby bear!
Pinned: 24 May 2012
The Hidden Messages in Water-This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. $11.53
Pinned: 24 May 2012
Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies $12.04
Pinned: 24 May 2012
Indigo Adults: Understanding Who You Are and What You Can Become $10.87
Pinned: 24 May 2012
Dreams – An Energetic Perspective: A New Way to Interpret Your Dreams by Elaine Seiler, ATH Guest Editor of Energy Medicine. http://www.allthingshealing.com/Energy-Medicine/Dreams-An-Energetic-Perspective-A-New-Way-to-Interpret-Your-Dreams/11227#